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"Publications scientifiques"

Article: "A game of thread between the real and spiritual world From the search for identity to the revelation of the intimate."

Date: 2024.
A collective book subtitle "Intimate secrets: A dive into the Soul and the intimate".
Nature / Details: A personal article (scientific / poetic).
(p. →p. ). ISBN: .
Local: A publication organized by the Literary Meditation Review laboratory, international journal of General and Comparative Literature "RML").
Summary: Working on the idea of intimacy represents, for me, an opening into another space, another world. It is the passage of the soul towards the beyond, a spiritual escape from the material world to an immaterial universe. Through my artistic performance "the exit of my cocoon," I shared my personal experience. It is a non-verbal dramatization of a dialectical experience, seeking to reveal a part of oneself, based on reserve and escape. It symbolizes two parallel worlds that meet and intertwine, born from a connectivity and sometimes a balance between two converging and diverging imprints. My artistic work is represented by an electric wire that tells a story and embodies an identity. This electric wire can also be a symbol of energy flow and spiritual universes through an invisible connection.

Article: "When Personal Experience Demonstrates That Art Is a Truth Unveiled by Lies"

Date: 2024.
A collective book subtitle"Lies: Genres, Manifestations and Issues".
Nature/Details: A personal article (scientific / poetic)
(p. 151 →p. 166). ISBN: 978-9938-9709-4-4.
Local: A publication organized by the interdisciplinary and comparative studies and research laboratory ("LERIC").
Summary: Between Truth and Lie, there is an intertwining, a clear and absurd mingling. I start from the analysis of a lived story, a personal experience, sometimes transcending realities and giving meaning to intrinsic definitions of certain notions. This allows me to show the union of the two contradictory notions that demonstrate the complicity in the completion of an artistic creation. It is a general representation of a singular reading, a form of spatial confrontation, giving a new perspective to conceived notions and concepts. It is a dialectic between truth and lie, an interpretation that reveals a distant truth, a reminiscence, and an anamnesis of a past. The act of transferring a truth actualized in the present is represented by lies. The aim is to highlight my creation, which can only be an inner reality, externalized by voluntary lies. It is a mental journey that helped me unveil the hidden, what is deep within me. It is the passage from the invisible to the visible, a skill that implements a sense of purification through a simple silent discourse. Confronting reality obliges me to mix representation with lies. Can we birth artistic creations that reveal themselves without filters with their strengths and weaknesses? Can we evoke subjects beyond taboos and prohibitions without delving into lies?

Article: "Taking a step back from experience: The complementarity of American pragmatism and a European ontology"

Date: in 2023.
A collective book: subtitle "Experience, the Driver of Pedagogical Innovation"(volume 2).
Nature / Details: A co-written article (scientific / pedagogic).
(p. 243→p.256)ISBN : 978-9973-95-338-4.
Local: A publication organized by the language and automatic processing laboratory ("LLTA").

Article: "Can we always consider repetition as a constraint on development and creativity?"

Date: in 2023.
A collective book: subtitle "The artistic discourse of otherness".
Nature / Details: A personal article(scientific/philosophical).
(p. 87 →p. 97). ISBN: 978-9973-33-636-1.
Local: A publication organized by the interdisciplinary and comparative studies and research laboratory ("LERIC").
Summary: Repetition is present in every practice as a means of mental/material construction. To think like a philosopher is to reproduce a thought or to uncover the dusty layers of oblivion. For an informed perception, artistic creation is the very opposite of repetition, because it is associated with novelty by the mind. Furthermore, repetition seems to be doomed to mechanical and automatic work, which is assumed to be far from any form of reflection. However, all this operates on codes and schemas that, it seems to me, are outdated as soon as they are truly questioned. Should a constitutive defect of the concept of repetition make it a quality? Can the negative aspect be abolished to make way for novelty?

Article: "The 1960 revolution from an artisanal crochet technique to a contemporary artistic space"

Date: 2021.
A collective book: subtitle "The creative imagination: Identity issues and innovation challenges".
Nature / Details: A personal article scientific/historical.
(p.159 →p.184). ISBN : 978-9938-59-686-1.
Local: A publication organized by the interdisciplinary and comparative studies and research laboratory ("LERIC"). I am a member of the laboratory as an associate researcher(2020→2022).
Links/Photos: the cover of the book , the list of participants
Summary: Highlighting a manual practice that nowadays lacks sufficient recognition reveals an evolution toward a new paradigm. The 1960s mark this revolution, shifting from a purely artisanal approach to reflective, rebellious, artistic, and cultural attitudes. Through this temporal axis and examples of works ranging between the 20th and 21st centuries, the technique of crochet has increasingly approached woven sculptural works since the first exhibitions at the International Biennial of Tapestry in Lausanne, evolving into often monumental, three-dimensional suspended forms. Crochet represents a profound correspondence between the technical sensation of the work and the creation of spaces that immediately transcends the notions of beauty and ugliness, while disregarding all that is superficial, visual, and material to preserve the essential. Creating surface with stitches, making plurality from one, is essentially a gathering of knots, and it is nothing other than a gathering of meanings, allowing us to understand the secret dimension we perceive.

"Participations / Communications"

Participation in a conference "Clothing: bodies, fabrics, threads and spaces in the performing and visual arts"

Date: 22/04/2021 .
Article: the title of my participation is, "Can we consider the choice of threads as the expression of the unconscious and the unveiling of the intimate?".
Nature: A scientific/poetic article.
Local: A participation in the Polytechnic University / France, organized by (" DeScripto")research unit.(A remote participation)
links and photos: You will find all of my photos on "Pinterest", as well as a link is available on "Vimeo".
Summary: Choosing the electric wire as my preferred material (since 1999) has allowed me to create a form of extension of myself: it tells and symbolizes my existence, it allows the unconscious to reveal and express itself; to both cover and unveil. My infinitely knotted wire enables me to relive my past in order to transcend it or transform it. It is a journey through space that brings forth intimacy. A thread of time that liberates me, soothes me, and allows me to go beyond internal communication towards others, towards otherness, where I weave together the material and subjectivity. A thread that becomes a second skin where my body becomes a conductor between two divergent and convergent universes, the exterior internalizes, and the interior externalizes, thus weaving a protective and imaginary skin.
Video: An extract from my participation in the conference (in French) is available on my "Youtubechannel.

Participation in a conference: "lies in artistic creation"

Date: 10-01-2020.
Article: The title of my participation is, "When Personal Experience Demonstrates That Art Is a Truth Unveiled by Lies".
Nature: A scientific/poetic article published in 2024.
Local: My participation in the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Sfax / Tunisia, organized by the laboratory of interdisciplinary and comparative studies and research ("LERIC") of which I was a member as an associated researcher (2020 to 2022).
links and photos: You will find my all photos taken during the conference on "Pinterest"," the certificate of my participation", as well as a link to "Vimeo".
Summary: Between Truth and Lies, there is a knotting, a clear and absurd blending. I start from the analysis of a lived story, a personal experience, sometimes surpassing realities and giving meaning to intrinsic definitions of certain notions. This allows me to show the union of two contradictory notions that demonstrate complicity in the completion of an artistic creation. It is a general representation of a singular reading, a form of spatial confrontation, giving a new perspective to conceived notions and concepts. It is a dialectic between truth and lies, an interpretation that reveals a distant truth, a reminiscence, and an anamnesis of a past. The act of transferring a truth updated in the present is represented by lies. It is about highlighting my creation, which can only be an inner reality, externalized by deliberate lies. It is a mental journey that has helped me unveil what is hidden, what is deep within me. It is the passage from the invisible to the visible, an ability that implements a feeling of purification through a simple silent discourse. Facing reality forces me to mix representation with lies. Can one give birth to artistic creations that reveal themselves without filters, with their strengths and weaknesses? Can one address subjects beyond taboos and prohibitions without delving into lies?
Video: The presentation of the conference on the "Youtube"channel.

"Organisation d'évènement scientifique"

Member of the editorial committee

Date: From March 2023 to today.
Local: Literary Meditation Review, International Journal of General and Comparative Literature (RML), Faculty of Letters, Oujda / Morocco.
Links :
Summary: Member of the editorial committee for calls for contributions.

Member of the examination organization for CAP and Bac Pro.

Date: May / June 2022.
Local: At the Alpilles trades school in Miramas/France.
Links :

An international conference: "Lies. Genres, manifestations and issues"

Date: 10/11/12-March-2022
Local: Sousse / Tunisia.
Links / Photos: links are available on Calenda et Fabula. / A certificate
Summary: This conference is an invitation to reflect on the theme of lying from as many different perspectives as possible, with the aim of connecting intellectual and scientific worlds, in order to create concrete dialogues between artistic creation and historical, philosophical, scientific analyses, and so on. We aspire to reveal myths, create new realities, detect fictional and actual intersections between truth and lies, as well as between various literary, artistic, historical, sociological, and experimental disciplines. We will attempt to explore and question the issue of lying, which seems to engage all levels of creation: literature, art, history, philosophy, sociology, etc.

"pedagogical and administratif responsibility"

"web communications manager"

Date: from March 2023 to today.
Local: Literary meditation journal, international journal of General and Comparative Literature (RML), Faculty of Letters, Oujda / Morocco.
Summary: communications manager for calls for contributions: "Between Dream and Imagination (March 2023)", "Globalization and cultural heritages (December 2023)", “Intimate secrets: A dive into the Soul and the 'intimate (March 2024)'.

"Member of the jury for the History of Arts brevet."

Date: From 2015 to June 2019.
Local: At colleges, Bouches-du-Rhône / France.
Links / Photos:

"Member of the jury for diplomas in fine arts and applied arts."

Date: From 2008 to 2010.
Local: Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts of Sfax / Tunisia.
Links / Photos: